The Complete Electrical Contractors' Package

Estimate Takeoff
The Estimate will be prepared using Our Computerised Estimating System. Estimate Takeoff Sheets will comprise details of various items as they are taken off Your Drawings & Specification. The Takeoff will be broken down into various sections as required in the Summary of Tender, i.e. Main Switchgear, Lighting Inst., Power Inst., Fire Alarm System, Etc.

Estimate Detail
Once the various items have been taken off the Contract Documents a report will be produced. This report known as the Estimate Detail will detail the Item Description, Trade Price, Quantity, Trade Discount, Nett Material Cost, Material Markup, Material Sell, Labour Unit Hours, Total Hours, Labour Rate, & Labour Sell for each Section. All items on the Estimate Sheets will be Laboured individually using Man Hour Metric Rates. Any Confirmation Quotations required in connection with the bid, will be requested & addressed to your Company Offices.

Section Summary
Following the Estimate Detail a Section Summary is produced, showing Section Sell amounts to correspond to the Tender Documentation supplied by the Client.

Bill of Quantities
The final report produces totals of all the components throughout the entire estimate to help engineers order materials & allow Final Quotations to be sent to Suppliers prior to ordering on successful estimates. This report also produces Installed Rates for the entire estimate, item per item.

Suppliers Quotations
Suppliers Quotations are itemised upon Completion of the Tender & enclosed with each Estimate.

Other Reports upon request
Schedule of Rates
Wholesaler's Priced
Wholesaler's Unpriced
Group Report
Hours Report


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Sole N.Ireland/Ireland Distributor for Scalex Products